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Pick up your
Victory Strap� at
Dr. Richard Seibert (516)867-8585 Or The Runner's Edge (516)420-7963


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Breaking News!!!  Breaking News!!!  Breaking News!!!

As I cross the finish line, I throw my arms up in victory, yelling! 16 hours, 18 minutes and 56 seconds.


Ironman Paul J. Letosky
Great Floridian Ironman Triathlon
October 21st, 2006

"Tony Segarra of the Massapequa Road Runners, who provided me with his invention of the Victory Strap, which definitely helped in the later part of the marathon."

Read the whole Story.


The First Real Breakthrough In Fitness Walking and Running Created Since the Sneaker!

"Some of The Most Widely Accepted Thoughts and Practices of Fitness Walking and Running Have Just Been Turned on Their Ear."


Why is this Runner Smiling?

I Just Found The Personal Solution To My Fittness Goals.

"It's so lightweight, I couldn't believe it!  I run longer and feel better. The more I use the Victory Strap, the more I feel its benefits!"

More Testimonials!

"I feel more balanced and in control. I know my running form has improved. I really focus on my running now and I just can't wait to get out there!"

"For the first time ever, walkers and runners are utilizing their upper bodies in a proactive way and obviating the stress they would normally experience on their upper body during their workout with amazing results!"

"I like the way it makes me feel,  If  I knew it was going to be this easy, I would have been running all along!"

Are you ready to reach the next level in physical wellness?



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Strapman Enterprises LLC -  �2006